Weather System in Gulf
The LID operators and engineers are keeping an eye on Tropical Storm Nate. At this time, it does not appear that Nate will affect the Texas-area, but the LIDs crews are ready to handle any changes in projected path.
At this time, the LIDs’ detention ponds have the full capacity to receive and store any rainfall that may occur. In addition, the current reading of the Brazos River at the Richmond gauge is 14.06 feet, so any immediate internal rainfall would drain through gravity outfall. As a reminder, at Steep Bank Creek, gravity outfall continues until the Brazos River at Richmond gauge reads above 39 feet. However, the LID operators are continually monitoring the pump station to confirm that all pumps are functional and ready to operate if needed. Finally, we have confirmed that the MUDs overlapping the LIDs have undertaken measures to inspect and clean out storm sewer systems after Hurricane Harvey.
Although the supplemental pumps ordered during Hurricane Harvey have been removed from the Steep Bank Creek Pump Station site, the LIDs operators have confirmed that in the unlikely event of another unprecedented coincidental rainfall event, additional pumps can be delivered and made operational within 48 hours.
After Action Report
The LIDs engineers and operators are reporting that the internal after action reports are almost complete. When they are completed, copies will be posted on this website.
In addition, LID 19 will be releasing a Request for Qualifications for an external, third party review of the following:
- Review of Current System – compliance with all regulatory and design criteria
- Harvey Response – operations, communications, and recovery
- Potential Changes to System and Cost Analysis
- Other Suggested Changes