Update on Third Party Engineering Review

At its December meeting, the Board of Directors voted to authorize the President to negotiate and execute a contract with Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc., to conduct a third party engineering review. The contract has been fully-executed, and Aptim’s work is now underway.


Election Precinct Maps

In response to a petition received by LID 19, Fort Bend County Commissioners voted to create 5 voting precincts within LID 19. A map is located here.

  • Precinct 1:  Sweetbriar, Orchard, and Shadow Glen (partial)
  • Precinct 2:  Millwood, Lost Creek, and Stonebrook (partial)
  • Precinct 3:  Shadow Glen (partial) and Creekstone (partial)
  • Precinct 4:  Creekstone (partial) and Stonebrook (partial)
  • Precinct 5:  Creekstone (partial), Grove, Assisted Living

Accordingly, on May 5, 2018, LID 19 will conduct an election to elect 5 directors, 1 from each precinct.  Additional information regarding the election will be posted here.

If you are interested in running for the Board, the candidate filing period will begin on January 17, 2018, and end on February 16, 2018.  Please see the Notice of Filing Period below or send a message on the “Contact Us” tab for more information.  In your message, please identify which Precinct you are located in.

Mapas de los Precintos Electorales

El día de ayer, en respuesta a una petición recibida por el LID 19, los Comisionados del Condado de Fort Bend votaron para crear 5 precintos dentro del LID 19.  Aquí se coloca un mapa.

  • Precinto 1:  Sweetbriar, Orchard y Shadow Glen (parcial)
  • Precinto 2:  Millwood, Lost Creek y Stonebrook (parcial)
  • Precinto 3:  Shadow Glen (parcial) y Creekstone (parcial)
  • Precinto 4:  Creekstone (parcial) y Stonebrook (parcial)
  • Precinto 5:  Creekstone (parcial), Grove, Assisted Living

De acuerdo a esto, el 5 de mayo de 2018 el LID celebrará una elección para elegir 5 directores, uno de cada distrito.  Información adicional se colocará en este lugar.

Si usted está interesado en postularse para la Junta, el período para presentar su candidatura comienza el 17 de enero de 2018 y termina el 16 de febrero de 2018.  Sírvase consultar el Aviso de Período de Presentación de Candidatura que aparece abajo o envíe un mensaje en la pestaña “Contact Us” para obtener más información.  En su mensaje, sírvase identificar en qué Precinto reside.

Election Notices

Notice of Appointment of Agent

Notice of Deadline to File Applications for Place on the Ballot

Installment Plans – 2017 LID Taxes

A REMINDER to anyone whose property was damaged from Harvey, if you would like to request a payment plan for your 2017 LID taxes, please be sure to complete an application as soon as possible.

The application and additional information can be found here: http://www.riverstonelids.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Riverstone-LIDs-Installment-Plan-Request.pdf

The application AND first installment payment are due no later than January 31, 2018.

Third Party Engineering Proposals – Update

In response to its Request for Qualifications for an independent third party review of its drainage and levee systems, LID 19 received eight proposals from independent engineering firms from throughout the United States. Of the initial 8 firms, LID 19 went through a detailed review to narrow the field down to a limited number of firms meeting the criteria set forth in the Request for Qualifications. As of today, detailed interviews with the final firms have been conducted, and a final recommendation will be presented to the full Board at its December 19, 2017, meeting. Once the final recommendation has been made, an announcement of the firm selected will be noted here.